It’s not the amount of sleep we get, but the quality of sleep we achieve that is of major importance. If you can sleep soundly at night and wake up refreshed, it will be easier to perform your day-to-day tasks – like completing a report or working on that project for work.

But how much time do we spend in bed each night? We often use the time spent sleeping to plan and prioritize our daily routine. It’s a good way to get things done, but we should be mindful of the fact that we are getting no better than we were yesterday.

In many ways, we are all slaves to our sleeping habits. To stay in shape, we might consider a daily workout routine and stick to it. Or, we might find ourselves getting out of breath by the end of the exercise session, but that is fine – it’s just part of the routine. The same can be said for our sleeping habits.

Daily routines exist to help us make decisions faster. The system works well for most people, but there are those whose lives are controlled by the rhythm of their sleep cycles. It is the same as with any other aspect of our lives: if it isn’t working, change it.

People who are very regimented tend to have repetitive routines. But it is a normal and healthy habit and as long as we don’t feel the need to change our lifestyles or the environment around us, we can continue with what we’re doing. If there is no need to change the daily routine, then why change it?

Those who work on their own schedules and at their own pace are comfortable with their own natural rhythms. It’s best to follow a daily routine if you’re already used to it. If you don’t get out of bed at the same time every day, you might be having some trouble getting into the groove of your daily routine.

When you try to change your daily tasks, you may find yourself feeling disorientated. That’s because the way you’re used to doing things doesn’t match the patterns of your body and mind.

Lifestyle changes can be made, but it’s easy to slip back into the rut. After a while, you’ll find that you’re slumping in bed on your back, without even realizing it. You may even go out for a walk on your own accord, just to get out of the house and find yourself checking your watch.

A daily routine works best if it is tailored to your needs. A change that you didn’t really need in the first place can bring about a whole host of negative side effects. Some people suffer from insomnia or headaches if they have to change their daily routines.

For example, if you started your day with an eight-hour period of sleep, then you may start the evening period with a four-hour period of sleep, and then go back to your morning phase. If your sleep cycle has been a twelve-hour period, you can start the evening period at five hours of sleep and then drop back to the morning cycle. Or, you may start the evening period with only four hours of sleep, then get ready for bed at eight hours, and continue your routine throughout the entire day.

It’s important to remember that a comfortable routine is for the health of your mind and body. To feel good and fulfilled, we need to be able to rest well each night.