Unhealthy food regimens and the uncontrolled weight of many individuals in the 21st century led to the development of gall bladder disease among countless individuals. Gall bladder disease is usually caused by gall stones, is usually painful, and is common on overweight people. The livers of overweight individuals tend to over-produce cholesterol, which is delivered into the bile and causes it to supersaturated. Some medical studies suggest that diets with saturated fat, refined sugar, and are high in heme iron (red meat, seafoods) are the primary culprits in the development of gall bladder disease. In some cases, the genes may play a role in the development of this disease, having a family member or a close relative with gallstones may increase the risk of developing gall bladder disease. Almost one-third of cases of painful gall stones may be linked to genetic factors.

Here are other health factors that are associated with an increased tendency to develop gallstones and gall bladder disease:

Female gender – women are more prone to developing gallstones than men

Pregnancy and especially multiple pregnancies

Age – older people are more inclined to develop gallstone problems than young people

Fat deposits in the upper body or trunk

Diabetes – patients with diabetes mellitus are more prone to gallstones

Inflammatory bowel disease (e.g. Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis)

Lipid-lowering medication – patients using statins to lower blood cholesterol levels may be exposed to greater risk of gallstones

Female hormone treatment – oral contraceptives and hormone replacement therapy with estrogen can increase the risk of gallstones

Rapid and pronounced weight loss by means of gastric or jejunal bypasses, fasting or severe kilojoule restriction

Habitual high fat intake or use of a high-protein, high-fat, very-low-carbohydrate diet such as the Atkins diet

The common symptoms of gall bladder disease may include abdominal pain, indigestion, vomiting, nausea, bloating, pain, and discomfort after eating fatty foods. Persistent bitter taste in the mouth, bad breath, constipation, discolored stool, and headache can also be symptoms of gall bladder disease, However, aside from the pain and discomfort of the gall bladder, individuals with this disease may feel no pain at all. About 90 percent of gall bladder disease causes no symptoms at all. Medical studies show that the chance of developing pain is about two percent per year for the first 10 years after the gall stone is formed. Afterward, the chance of developing symptoms declines. The cause of the decline is still unknown but some doctors suggest that smaller stones may be more likely to cause symptoms than larger ones.

Gall bladder disease can be a serious ailment if not treated properly or if treated in its latter stage. It is very important to pay attention to the symptoms of gall bladder disease to prevent it from worsening. If the symptoms do not improve after healthy diets and medication, surgery may be the only option left for gall bladder pain relief. Individuals with gall bladder ailments should bear in mind that surgery for this ailment is simple, involves, minimal risks, and allows patients to recover quickly after treatment.

However, preventing the development of gall bladder disease is better than gall bladder pain relief that can be given by any surgery or medication. Partaking in healthy diets and engaging in physical activities like exercise a preventive measure against gall bladder disease. Individuals who are overweight or obese should lose weight to prevent gall bladder disease and other conditions linked to obesity. These individuals should seek the approval of medical specialists before making drastic moves to lose weight. Improper methods for weight loss like starvation may increase the risk of developing gall bladder disease.